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Rastreamento Correios 2014 VQMOD
Rastreio de Mercadorias
Atualização: v1.1 agora apenas usuários loga..
Rastreio encomenda nos históricos
v2.0 Em todos os históricos de pedido (..
Rating Star On-Off
SwipeHQ plugin for opencart ..
Razorpay Payment Gateway
Ready to Ship - Green Dot Stock Notification OCMOD 2.0x
Really Simple Add Weight for Package OpenCart 2.0 vQmod
This XML file lets you do the following: Add the weight of your package to the shipment Add the ..
Rearrange Featured Products
reCaptcha - Contact and Review
reCaptcha in reviews oc2.0.2.0
Recent Manufacturers - Top Brands
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Red Shopping Store
redirect common home
Redirect Confirmation popup
Redirect index.php to the site root
Redirect to Cart Page after Product Added to Cart by viethemes
This simple Red line OpenCart theme is clean and attractive design which sells everywhere. Easy to u..
Reduce Cart Abandonment - WebEngage
REES46 Personalization
Refine Search Hide/Remove
refund the money for the purchase
Regions & Customers OC v1.49x (CZ: Zákazníci v regionech)
CZ: Report zobrazuje přehled z..
Register on Captcha
Related Product in Top
Related Products by Category
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Related Variants
Remita Payment Gateway
Remove "Branding" from front and back end
This VQMod extension will remove all Opencart "Branding" from front and back end of store. - Remo..
Remove "Default text" from empty category pages
Simple VQMod extension removes the default text "There are no products to list in this category." fr..
Remove "Downloads" from front and back end
This VQMod extension will remove all "Download" links from front and back end of store. - Removed..
Remove "Heading" from category pages
This simple VQMod extension will remove the "Heading" from all category pages. Tested on default ..
Remove "index.php?route=" in System pages (VQMod)
This script corrects SEO on system pages. ..
Remove "Newsletter" from front and back end
This VQMod extension will remove all "Newsletter" links from front and back end of store. - Remov..
Remove "Powered By OpenCart" from Frontend footer
Remove "Powered By OpenCart" Original: Powered By OpenCart [Shop Name] © [Year] After Custom..
Remove Add to Compare Button
Remove Add To Wishlist & Add To Compare
Remove Add to Wishlist Button
Remove Affiliate Links
Remove Affiliate Menu If not logged
Remove Affiliate System (Vqmod & Ocmod)
Simple Remove Affiliate System Compitable : -OC -OC -OC -OC ..
Remove Autocomplete Category and Product Edit Page
Remove Cart and Account Access v. 0.1
This vQmod script makes Catalog from your shop, removing (not quite, just hide) access to account, c..
Remove category product count
Remove CHEQUE From Affiliate Payment Options
Remove Colorbox
Removes all references to colorbox which is default image handler. Remove the JS, CSS and Style occu..
Remove Comment From Invoice (vQmod)
This Extension Allow to Remove Comment from Order Invoice Features Easy Installation Does not o..
Remove common/home [OCmod][FREE]
Remove Compare System (Vqmod & Ocmod)
Simple Remove Compare Products System Compitable : -OC -OC -OC -OC 2...
Remove Coupon & Vouchers
Remove currency
If you manage only one currency type in your Store, for example, euros, maybe you have removed all c..
Remove Customers Menu If not logged
Remove Description Product Tab
Remove DOWNLOADS From Opencart 2
Remove elements (wishlist / compare / language / currency)
Remove Estimate Shipping & Taxes option from cart
This VQMod extension remove the The Estimate Shipping &Taxes option from your cart page ..
Remove Estimate Shipping & Taxes option from cart
Remove Ex. Tax
Remove Fax Option From Checkout
Remove Flat Shipping Rate when Free Shipping becomes available.
Remove Flat Shipping Rate when Free ..
Remove Footer
Remove Footer Requirements: - Opencart 1.5.x - Vqmod Publisher: Rogerio Alan Dobler Dou..
remove fraud tab in setting form ( vqmod )
remove ftp tab in setting form ( vqmod )
Remove help link from admin 1.5.x.x (vQmod)
remove location
Installation ======================= FILE contact.tpl WILL BE OVERWRITTEN (save the original f..
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