Hiding the price 0,00 when you put empty value for the product price.
Applying the modification on pages category, featured, latest product, manufacturer, search, special. Tested on the default Opencart theme. Working with Currency Symbol Right. Doesn't work with Currency Symbol Left.
No modifications in the Opencart core files. The extensions uses Ocmod available in Opencart 2.x. and after installation is visible in Admin back end > Extensions > Modifications.
1. Unzip the file 2. To be able to use the internal Opencart Extensions upload functionality you should enter FTP credentials in your store settings 3. To install the extension go to your OpenCart Admin panel > Extensions > Extension Installer 4. Click the Upload button and select the xml file that you previously unzipped 5. You should see a green message saying: "Success: You have installed your extension!” 6. Navigate to Extensions > Modifications and click on the Refresh button at the top right corner of the screen to ensure that the Ocmod modification is enabled 7. Disable maintenance mode > Opencart Admin > System > Settings > Your Store > Server > Maintenance Mode > No 8. Contact us if you have any troubles with our extension. We will be happy to support you!