Company ID of the Store - Partita IVA del Negozio (VQMOD)

Company ID of the Store - Partita IVA del Negozio (VQMOD)
Company ID of the Store - Partita IVA del Negozio (VQMOD) Company ID of the Store - Partita IVA del Negozio (VQMOD) Company ID of the Store - Partita IVA del Negozio (VQMOD)
Brand: Modules
Product Code: MOD00122
Availability: In Stock
Price: $0.00
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Company ID of the Store - Partita IVA del Negozio (VQMOD)

Company ID of the Store 1.0.4 for OpenCart 1.5.x

For any problem, question, suggestion or feature request, please don't post here but use the contact form available at:

Questa estensione è pensata appositamente per i negozi italiani (ma funziona anche per gli altri), nel file zip trovate anche le istruzioni in italiano.
This extension was created for italian store, but it works also for all others.

With this extension you can enter the Company ID in the settings of the store.
The field is added in the general tab of the stores under the settings menu.
The company ID is used for the invoices and by other extensions (see Powered Plus).

If you like this extension please make a donation with PayPal: click here

*** Requirements:
You need VQmod to use this extension. If you don't have this installed please see:

*** Installation:
1. Unzip and copy the folders on the root of your OC installation.
2. Go to the administration area in Extensions -> Modules
3. Search for the "Company ID of the Store" line and click Install
4. Now, on the same line, click Edit and choose your favorite setting

*** Features:
- the field can be required or not
- you can set the length to check
- company ID appear in the invoices

*** Note:
No files are modified. Three records are added to the settings table in the OC database.
It works on multilanguage sites but the module interface actually is available only in english, czech and italian. See included file languages.txt to add /change languages.
To remove Company ID of the Store click on uninstall in Extensions -> Modules and delete previosly copied files.
Tested on opencart, and let me know if it's ok on other versions.
For more info, issues report, suggestions or features request please visit

*** Revision history:

see documentation tab

For any problem, question, suggestion or feature request, please don't post here but use the contact form available at:
Versions 1.5.3,, 1.5.4,, 1.5.5,, 1.5.6,,,,

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