
CurrencyModWithQuery CurrencyModWithQuery CurrencyModWithQuery
Brand: Modules
Product Code: MOD00139
Availability: In Stock
Price: $0.00
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Changelog: Version 2 - added some formatting and changed the query from Yahoo to Google

Currency Module - replacement, and addition to the stock administrator's Opencart Vers. 1.5.6 core files

WARNING! The installation of these files WILL OVERWRITE some of the original files, so BACKUP your files first.

If you have renamed your ADMIN folder, you will need to rename the "admin" folder in the ZIP file as well.

Why the modification?
I wanted to have a way of displaying the newest currency values, without leaving the ADMIN
interface (Localisation > Currency). The changes that I have provided give you a new button
that will simply query GOOGLE for the latest values of the currencies you have installed on Opencart.

I am releasing this as FREEWARE under the GNU license.
It is free to install and use as long as you keep my credits.

Thank you, and enjoy!

Info: info aaattt torontoemporium ddddottttt com
Date: January 1, 2014
Versions 1.5.6

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