Formilla Live Chat Live Chat Software with real-time visitor monitoring for your OpenCart store. Allow your visitors to chat with you live if they have any questions! Free and Premium packages available.
Follow our installation tutorial to get started.
- Installs Instantly: Use our Formilla Live Chat web dashboard to begin live chat right away. The live chat button will appear on your OpenCart 2.x store once you activate the extension.
- Real-time Visitor Monitoring: Formilla Live Chat real-time visitor monitoring & tracking allows you to see the # of active visitors on your site, & initiate live chats with them. View the visitor country, recently viewed web pages, operating system, browser, referring site, new vs returning user, IP address, & more.
- Mobile Apps for iPhone, iPad & Android Devices: Live chat with your mobile device or tablet by using our iPhone/iPad or Android apps! Install our app & simply login to your Formilla Live Chat account to chat with customers from anywhere! This feature is available with our Premium packages.
- Language Support (International): Our Language support allows you to customize the text of the live chat button, chat form, & offline email form. With our Premium packages, customize your live chat widget in any language: Spanish, French, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Hindi, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Dutch, German, Greek, Chinese (S) & more!
- Pro-active Chat: Enable pro-active chat to trigger live chat automatically with a user after a number of seconds.
- User/Agent is Typing a Message...: Live Chat keeps visitors & agents informed if the User/Agent is typing a message. This improves usability & makes conversations more enjoyable.
- Desktop Notifications: Don't miss any chats by enabling Desktop Notifications to see an alert box displayed every time you receive a chat. This feature is supported with Chrome, Firefox, & Safari.
- Custom Banners, Colors, & Themes: Live Chat software Premium packages allow you to customize your chat widgets to match your site look & feel. Change the color of the chat button & widget, chat message and font color, backgrounds, etc. Upload an online & offline live chat image to use in your site header, footer, etc. to encourage customers to live chat.
- Attention Grabbers: Live Chat offers the use of an Attention Grabber to get the attention of your visitors! Upload a custom image with your picture or any other message you would like to communicate. Get creative & use it for marketing promotions as well!
- Advanced Customization: Live Chat software gives you the ability to stretch the width & height of the live chat button, add an image such as your logo, & control the location down to the pixel! Access CSS for the live chat button & attention grabber to make it look perfect!
- [*] Help Desk: The Customer Inbox Help Desk allows you to search your live chat history or offline email submissions by customer email, priority, status (new, read, pending, complete), flagged vs unflagged, & assign an item to another user of your Formilla Live Chat account.