This can be used for multiple purposes:
Set your own from, to or reply email address to for the opencart contact form:
You can edit this vqmod to change those emails without editing core files.
Fix Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender when customers use the Opencart contact form:
This is to fix the issue with the contact form where it is not received by the admin because the mail fails SPF or DMARC since the from address used is the email of the person contacting you. This happens because their email service does not allow your server to send mail on their behalf. You may get bounces that say:
Unauthenticated email from is not accepted due to domain's
DMARC policy. Please contact administrator of domain if
this was a legitimate mail.
This is an example of Yahoo's Dmarc policy enforced by Gmail.
**This is only tested on Opencart so let me know if you have issues with other versions?
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