This module is modified from the official Payson module to be more flexible.
I found several limitations in the official module and wanted to make some changes to make it
more flexible to my needs.
Following changes where made:
• Official Payson: Forces you to use the default currency for receiving payment
• Modified Payson: Chose between EUR and SEK currency (Example: you have
default currency EUR, USD, DKK but can chose to receive payments in SEK)
• Official Payson: Module doesn't show up in other currencies than EUR or SEK
• Modified Payson: Module shows up no matter what currency you are using.
• If you are checking out with USD and are going to make a payment it will convert to
the currency you have chosen (EUR or SEK) when paying
I decided to add it here in case anyone else is interested, i wont be able to provide any support.
Enjoy :)