Search by ID, product code

Search by ID, product code
Search by ID, product code Search by ID, product code Search by ID, product code Search by ID, product code
Brand: Modules
Product Code: MP00308
Availability: In Stock
Price: $0.00
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Search by ID, product code

Often, when a customer dictates over the phone, or the Manager needs to recommend a similar product there is a misunderstanding about what the product is about.

To fix this will help the digital code or the marking of goods by which the goods can be found through the General site search.

As the product code ID used wrought iron.

What makes the Supplement?

Changes the default "Code" to "Model", then why in the new version of the model was the Code...
Adds a "Code" with ID of the product
Adds search by ID

Set addition using OCMOD.

To give a unique ID and greater importance, can be changed in the database, in table "oc_product" - "operation" , the value of "AUTO_INCREMENT" in 10,000 , then new products will be added with a value of 10001, 10002,10003, etc.

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