(VQMod) Product Comparison
The link to Product comparision page only show after you added product to comparision list successfully. But now, customers can click on a link in top menu in order to view Product Comparision.
- Display Product Comparision link in top store menu and number of product in comparision.
- View Product Comparision in colorbox (a feature in OpenCart)
- OpenCart 1.5.0 -
- Compatible with default and default-based themes
The feature that also works with the comparison link in the notification box is only support with default language (English) that was contained in Opencart package.
If you modified the language or used other language package, please make sure that this code: onclick="openCompareLink(this); return false;"
is included into $_['text_success'] in the compare.php language file.
For example (This was already changed by vqmod):
$_['text_success'] = 'Success: You have added <a href="%s">%s</a> to your <a onclick="openCompareLink(this); return false;" href="%s">product comparison</a>!';