What is MultiSeller?
It is an OpenCart extension to make your stores Multi Seller.It is allow your customers to request seller accounts in your store and add products through a frontend seller account.
★ Register seller account from frontend.
★ Login seller account from frontend after approval.
★ Seller can add products from frontend and can edit , copy , view , delete only their products.
★ All products and orders from all vendors are visible for admin .
★ Seller can see only his products and orders.
★ Add unlimited vendors details avatar social media etc....
★ Different folder for every seller for images.
★ Seller profile page and products by vendor.
★ Every seller registration , product approval option from admin.
★ Admin can add unlimited seller group with product limit , commission , subscribe price and subscription duration.
★ Allow different commission each seller group (fixed rate, percentage).
★ Admin can add unlimited seller badge.
★ Admin can add unlimited bank.
★ Admin can add/assign product to seller from backend.
★ Admin can modify seller info from backend.
★ Allow store admin to approve/reject account signup or product submitted before available to store front.
★ Allow option to print store or vendor address at invoice.
★ Seller transactions record.
(NEW) ★ Admin can assign set of categories to a specific seller group or a specific seller.
(NEW) ★ Seller feedback.
(NEW) ★ Seller list.
contact seller
pay directly to the seller
custom shipping
changing status of order by seller
top seller list
admin ( demo/demo)
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