ABOUT This module allows you to mark any category as TOP category. Selected subcategory will be visible in the TOP menu. MultiStore is supported. No VQmod is needed!
INSTALL - Download extension from the Opencart site - Extract XML file from the ZIP, don't rename unzipped file - Go to Extensions > Extension Installer - Click the Upload Button - Find extracted XML file and select it - Go to Extensions > Modifications - Click the Refresh Button in the top right corner
CONFIGURE - Go to Catalog > Categories - Click Edit button on any category - In Data tab scroll down and find Top section - Select the store, where you want to have a category in TOP menu
RATING - Don't forget to rate my module ;-)
DONATION - This module is totally free, but.... - If you'd like to make a one-time donation to developer, you can use PayPal to make it fast and easy. PayPal members can pay (10€ or $15) directly from their checking accounts or credit cards by "sending money" to martinsky@speedex.sk - THANK YOU!