ABOUT This XML module removes text "Powered by Opencart" from footer. Description about theme is also removed from source code. No VQmod is needed!
WARNING Module can be used only on themes based on a default template.
INSTALL - Download extension from the Opencart site - Extract XML file from the ZIP, don't rename unzipped file - Go to Extensions > Extension Installer - Click the Upload Button - Find extracted XML file and select it - Go to Extensions > Modifications - Click the Refresh Button in the top right corner
RATING - Don't forget to rate my module ;-)
DONATION - This module is totally free, but.... - If you'd like to make a one-time donation to developer, you can use PayPal to make it fast and easy. PayPal members can pay (10€ or $15) directly from their checking accounts or credit cards by "sending money" to martinsky@speedex.sk - THANK YOU!