Xbar - top-bottom nav bar

Xbar - top-bottom nav bar
Xbar - top-bottom nav bar Xbar - top-bottom nav bar
Brand: Modules
Product Code: MOD00607
Availability: In Stock
Price: $0.00
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Xbar - top-bottom nav bar

__ Xbar Module for Opencart 2.x __

Skrill :: 4xmisr@gmail.com

** Add modules to sticky top/bottom nav bar **
any module could be used with Xbar , the developer can create a view (ul-button-form- ...) which can be used with Bootstrap navbar , and you have to select this view in module options , then add it to Xbar
there are some modules i created to be used as stand alone modules or with Xbar , links are in the bottom of page

download the new Xbar 
just updated the code , removed titles and type options , so Xbar just load modules and view it


--upload the content of the folder "upload" to your website
@ admin
--- Go to Extensions->Modules .
---- click [Install] green button at the right of 'Xbar'. (install success message should appear)
---- click [Edit] blue button at the right of 'Xbar'

---- Fields:
----- Name -> name the layout
----- Status -> enable/disable the module
----- Type -> Top OR Bottom 
----- Padding to be applied to body - default is 50 px
----- Brand -> use image or store name - 
in case you choose image - upload it to folder "image" and write the name of image include extension(image.png)
----- Style -> use defult or inverse classes based on you template 
and an input to write a custom class name to add to nav bar
----- add the number of modules you want, select position

--- Go to design/layout and choose a layout to add Xbar to 
---- select the name you choosed from dropdown list and position and Save.

you can use the following modules with Xbar:
(all of them can be used as stand alone modules or with Xbar)

Ajax Search 
search products by ajax

Ajax Search

view products by Manufacturers - Ajax


to view Featured-latest...admin message.... by clicking on a link in Xbar

Modal - View Modules in Modal

add Account-Affilate-Information-pages-custom links - as a link or as dropdown links

Linkat - Create Links

Ajax Categories


thank you 
default template schema - Manufacturers module - Manufacturers Images ocmod 
Xmod - Xbar - Modal - Linkat - AjaxSearch - AjaxCats - .....

Xmod - Add Multiple modules into one

Skrill :: 4xmisr[at]gmail.com

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