Pre-Order, Out Of Stock, Enquiry - Stock Status and function
You need an Extention that can help customers easy find, place an Order, Pre-Order or customer can send Enquiry to you or just simply help them know which products is available, can be Pre-Order or need to be "Enquiry" and Out Of Stock items. This extension. is what you want, I has tried with Opencart and it work well. I also tried to adapt it to use with any themes but I did not guarrante it will work well with your theme 100% You can go to website to see what and how it work but please do not please order or enquire them, that is the real shop
It is completely free and you can customize or share the code with anyone. Please read Installation Documentation carefully in order to install it properly
Please send me a Donation to my Paypal if you find it valuable and you can. I firstly want to charge this extension $10.00 as I need money and it had take me a lot of time. Finanlly, I think about many others like me who could not pay for any Extensions and alway search Free Extensions only so that I decide to give it free to you all
Any Questions, please email me at