Remove the affiliate page links from footer. Moreover, in order to avoid user from typing the URL directly, the controller of the login, register and forgotten password are removed also.
As no core files are overwritten, you can add back the links by removing the extension whenever you want.
Modification System:
Option 1: OCMOD (no core files are overwritten)
Option 2: VQMOD (no core files are overwritten)
Option 1: OCMOD
1. Login to your admin control panel
2. Go to Extension > Extension Installer to upload the xml file (remove_affiliate_links.ocmod.xml)
3. Go to Extension > Modifications and press Refresh button
Option 2: VQMOD (Requirement: VQMOD installed)
Use your FTP program, upload the xml file "remove_affiliate_links.xml" to the folder vqmod/xml
1) Please use either Option 1 or Option 2, don't install both.
2) Please note that the extension will NOT remove the affiliate function completely. It just remove the link and page access in the front end.