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This mode allows you to upload a logo to the admin.
Logo will be visible in the header area managem..
This extension Disable Captcha For Reviews.
A Method Used for Adding Your Custom Metas From Controllers
This is a simple mod that will add a ne..
A Method Used for Adding Your Custom Footer Scripts From Controllers
This is a simple mod that will..
This is a poweful upsellin..
We fin..
OpenCart generates 2 e..
Some of us marketing a..
If you have your m..
Based on this mod: http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=extension/extension/info&extension_id..
Custom Email Logo
Using diffrent email logo beside store Logo
When You using theme with dark color..
Supported OpenCart Versions:
What does it do:
This extension Disable Right Click.
vQmod required
Hide in the product page the text line on reward points if their number is 0.