This Extension is used to display the short description on latest,featured and special list of products without overwriting the core files.
Installation Steps:
1. vQmode Should be install
2. unzip the download zip file
3. copy the upload's directory in root of your installation
4. please copy following code
<div class="short_description"><?php echo $product['short_description'];?></div>
5. paste the above text in following files as
i.catalog/view/theme/your theme name/template/module/featured.tpl
ii.catalog/view/theme/your theme name/template/module/latest.tpl
iii.catalog/view/theme/your theme name/template/module/special.tpl
6. Run a mysql query in database as following
ALTER TABLE {TABLE_PREFIX}product_description ADD `short_description` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL AFTER `description`